HPLC UV Spectro (Rigol)



High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is one of the most used chemical analysis strategies. Due to its excellent capability in separating & analyzing compounds with high melting points, low thermal stability, biological activity or high molecular weight, HPLC can be widely used in the fields of pharmaceutical, biochemical, polymeric and other chemical industries.

Aiming at the goal of fast & accurate analysis for diverse sorts of compounds, RIGOL L-3000 HPLC system was developed by RIGOL Technologies, Inc. L-3000 offers a perfect combination of resolution, analysis speed, sample throughput and detection sensitivity: 9000 psi operational pressure, 100Hz sampling rate and 2.5 AU linear range. It guarantees you a performance capability beyond HPLC while remaining within your budget expectation.

Isocratic M-S

RIGOL L-3000 isocratic manual-sampling HPLC System is designed in accordance with UHPLC standard: with an outstanding operating pressure limit 9,000 psi. This product owns independent intellectual property rights, all of the key units/modules are of autonomous design and manufacturing. Performance of the entire system reaches advanced world level.

Binary gradient A-S

RIGOL L-3000 binary autosampling HPLC System is designed in accordance with UHPLC standard: with an outstanding operating pressure limit 9,000 psi; high-precision injector drive-unit provides excellent accuracy and linearity.

This product owns independent intellectual property rights, all of the key units/modules are of autonomous design and manufacturing. Performance of the entire system reaches advanced world level.

Binary gradient M-S

RIGOL L-3000 binary manual-sampling HPLC System is designed in accordance with UHPLC standard: with an outstanding operating pressure limit 9,000 psi. This product owns independent intellectual property rights, all of the key units/modules are of autonomous design and manufacturing. Performance of the entire system reaches advanced world level.

Quarternary gradient A-S

RIGOL L-3000 Quarternary autosampling HPLC System is designed in accordance with UHPLC standard: with an outstanding operating pressure limit 9,000 psi; high-precision injector drive-unit provides excellent accuracy and linearity.

This product owns independent intellectual property rights, all of the key units/modules are of autonomous design and manufacturing. Performance of the entire system reaches advanced world level.

Quarternary gradient M-S

RIGOL L-3000 quarternary manual-sampling HPLC System is designed in accordance with UHPLC standard: with an outstanding operating pressure limit 9,000 psi.

This product owns independent intellectual property rights, all of the key units/modules are of autonomous design and manufacturing. Performance of the entire system reaches advanced world level.


Up to 9000PSI operational pressure. Higer working pressure extends the dynamic range in the application of chromatographic analysis, and improves the durability and reliability of the entire system.

    Up to 2.5 AU linear range of the detector, allows accurate analysis for widely varying sample concentrations, either with high concentrated substance(s) or trace component(s).
    Up to 100Hz data sampling rate, allows sharper peak(s) detection and enables ultra fast analysis.
    As low as 5x10-9 g/mL detection limit, creating higher sensitivity with lower noise floor.
    Proprietary automatic solvent-compressibility compensation and pulsation dampening technologies enable excellent analysis reproducibility.
  Patented propulsion technology and ultrafine NC processing provide excellent system durability.
    User-friendly HPLC workstation, complies with the FDA 21 CFR Part 11, GLP, GMP regulations.
  The professional product definition proprietary design, solid performance and intuitive user interface make the RIGOL L-3000 series HPLC ideal for widely varying applications from pharmaceutical analysis and food safety to environmental monitoring and much more.

Melamine test RIGOL L-3000

Chromatographic column: RIGOL  M-SCX Column, 4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm
Temperature of column oven: 25 ℃
Temperature of sample chamber: room temperature
Sample volume: 20 μL
Mobile phase: KH2PO4(0.05 mol/L )/ACN = 70/30(V/V)
Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min
Detection wavelength: 240 nm




Determination of terramycin ,doxycyline,terracycline and
aureomycin by RIGOL L-3000

Chromatographic column: RIGOL  C18 Column, 4.6 × 250 mm,
5 μm
Temperature of column oven:30 ℃
Temperature of sample chamber: room temperature
Sample volume: 20 μL
Mobile phase: methanol/ACN/0.01mol/L citric acid = 12/18/70(V/V/V)
Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min
Detection wavelength: 360 nm
Chromatographic peak: 1—terramycin   2—terracycline
                                     3—aureomycin   4—doxycycline



UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Ultra-3660 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

Ultra-3660 uv-vis spectrophotometer utilizes high quality grating, which dramatically reduces straylight level, and improves test accuracy & linear range. The instrument's wavelength calibration excuted by deuterium lamp, mecuray lamp and Ho2O3 Solution provides excellent wavelength accuracy. Four options of spectral bandwidth and built-in methods can meet different requirements from customers. Designs of TFT color screen and water-proofing keyboard secure its friendly usability.

  • Double beam design
  • Straylight below 0.03%T
  • 190-1100nm wavelength range
  • 4 options for spectral bandwidth selection
  • Reliable wavelength accuracy
  • Multiple built-in methods, supports operation via UV workstation
  • 7”TFT color screen WVGA(800x480), water-proofing keyboard design

► Ultra-low straylight provides accurate result

Straylight less than 0.03%T on each sepcific bandwidth